Live Audio Streams

Welcome to CYBATHLON 2024! We are pleased to offer you a service for low-latency audio streams. Find here the selection of streams and find a more detailed description further down. Please connect your mobile device to the desired headphones or hearing aid to avoid disturbing the surroundings.

Choose your preferred audio stream below and adjust the volume using the corresponding buttons on your mobile device. The streams will start a few minutes prior to the event.

The following streams are available further down:

  1. German audio description from the event hall for the audience on-site
  2. Audio signal from the event hall, including commentary for people with hearing impairments or hearing loss in the on-site audience
  3. German audio description of the livestream for the audience on the website
  4. English radio commentary of the livestream for the audience on the website

Since this is a newly developed service, we would be pleased if you could provide us with feedback on this real-time audio stream service at

German audio description event hall
Audio signal from the event hall
English radio commentary